Friday, February 02, 2007

Dispelling the gumshoe myth - Money - Dispelling the gumshoe myth: "Cheryl Davies was a private investigator for 10 years before turning to teaching at Sheridan College and Mohawk College in Hamilton.

'The first thing I teach is dispelling the gumshoe myth. It's really, really nothing like that,' says Davies, who intends to return to private investigation following a hiatus from the profession to look after her family. 'Insurance, that's the bread and butter (of the private investigation industry), it really is.'


Davies, who says she 'fell' into private investigation following graduation from Steeltown's McMaster University, is also keen to point out not just anyone can become a private investigator. Obtaining the licence to ply the trade, issued by the Ontario Provincial Police, isn't a slam dunk. For one thing, new graduates must obtain their private investigator's licence through the private investigation agency that hires them rather than as individuals. For another, Davies says with just the slightest note of incredulity in her voice, having a criminal record, as one student she recalls had, would put a definite crimp in a licence application and a subsequent career."

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