Friday, October 16, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Private Investigator

 He's the guy in the background you never notice, always the "man standing behind the man."
Well, not anymore. With the news that private investigators located the body of Kate Waring, private investigators are right up front.

"You can't solve crimes if you can't get the information," said James Randolph of Randolph and Habersham Investigations. It appears Randolph and Tommy Blackwood can get the information.

Randolph's company helped lead police to Waring's body. So, what is a typical day like for these guys? "It's exciting, it's exciting - it really is," said investigator Blackwood.

That said, don't think they have stake-outs in disguised vans full of hi-tech equipment. "Those type of scenarios are pretty nil, most often you won't see a white van," said Blackwood.

Read more here.
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