Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Do You Need An Accident Investigator?

After a car accident, there are many situations that can require an accident investigator. Hiring a professional investigator in these instances can ensure justice and a fairer settlement.

In March 2006, a Seattle teenager hired a forensic investigator to prove that a Sheriff's deputy caused a car accident for which she was blamed. While not every car accident victim hires an accident investigator to prove their case, many victims could empathize with the teen. The deputy had a long record of disciplinary problems but the Sheriff’s office refused the teen’s version of events – a version supported by many witnesses – and refused to conduct an internal investigation of the problem.

Unfortunately, car accidents claim more than 40,000 lives in the U.S. each year. In 2003 alone, more than 2.9 million injuries were reportedly caused by car accidents. Even though many states have passed “no fault” laws that try to keep the amount of lengthy lawsuits to a minimum, many car accidents do eventually end up in court. Partly, this stems from the fact that many car accident – up to 90%, according to some statistics – are caused by driver negligence and so are not really “accidents” at all.

More... Many people see an attorney when they are involved in an accident that leads to loss of life or personal injury, but there are instances when hiring an investigator as well as an attorney makes sense:

  1. If evidence from the attorney is unsatisfactory. Most legal professionals and insurance companies hire their own investigators. However, some victims may be unsatisfied with the evidence an attorney’s investigator comes up with. If what the victim knows about an accident differs from the official findings about the accident, hiring an investigator ensures that the victim remains in control of the investigation and gets the answers they need.
  2. If the accident is expected to result in a large settlement. If the victim requires a settlement in order to pay for medical expenses, time lost at work, damage, or other expenses that insurance will not cover, hiring an investigator helps ensure that the victim has the evidence in hand in order to get a fair settlement.
  3. The accident involves someone in an important position. As with the Seattle teenager, accidents sometimes involve someone who is in power. In these cases, investigations from official sources may be slightly skewed or may be denied entirely in order to protect the important individual. Hiring an investigator helps ensure that politics or money do not affect the victim’s right to justice.
  4. The victim is being sued after an accident. In these cases, an investigator may be needed in order to protect the victim’s interests. In these cases, an investigator can offer a degree of protection from inflated interest rates and from frivolous legal action.
  5. The accident was caused by neglect. If the victim believes that someone has caused accidents by neglect, a private investigator can gather evidence to prove this. This can help ensure a fairer settlement and can help ensure that the same person does not cause another accident through neglect again.
  6. The victim is having trouble collecting insurance for an accident. In cases where it appears that insurance companies are stalling or defrauding the victim of the money that the victim deserves, an investigator can help get the insurance payout.

What an investigator can do

There are many things that an accident investigator cannot do. They cannot turn back the clock and ensure that an accident does not take place. On the other hand, they can ensure that victims have the evidence they need to show what really happened in an accident. An accident investigator can reconstruct the scene of an accident and show exactly what happened, step by step. A private investigator with accident reconstruction experience can also act as an expert witness in court.

The Worldwide Directory of Private Investigators can help accident victims find local investigators with experience. Plus, the Worldwide Directory of Private Investigators offers free accident investigation resources that can help victims understand their situation so that they can make the right decisions for them.

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